Journal Articles

Biswal, B., and M. Marani (2010), Geomorphological origin of recession curves, Geophysical Research Letteer, 37, L24403, doi:10.1029/2010GL045415


Biswal, B., and D. N. Kumar (2013), A general geomorphological recession flow model for river basins, Water Resources Research, 49, 4900-4906, doi:10.1002/wrcr.20379


Biswal, B. and Nagesh Kumar, D. (2014), Study of dynamic behaviour of recession curves. Hydrolological Processes, 28: 784-792. doi: 10.1002/hyp.9604


Biswal, B., and M. Marani (2014), 'Universal' recession curves and their geomorphic interpretation, Advances in Water Resources, doi: 10.1016/j.advwatres.2014.01.001


Biswal, B., and D. Nagesh Kumar (2014), What mainly controls recession flows in river basins?, Advances in Water Resources, 65: 25-33, doi: 10.1016/j.advwatres.2014.01.004


Biswal, B., and D. Nagesh Kumar (2015), Estimation of 'drainable' storage -- a geomorphological approach, Advances in Water Resources, doi: 10.1016/j.advwatres.2014.12.009 (preprint available here)


Patnaik, S., Biswal, B., Nagesh Kumar D., and B. Sivakumar (2015), Effect of catchment characteristics on the relationship between past discharge and the power law recession coefficient, Journal of Hydrology, doi: 0.1016/j.jhydrol.2015.06.032


Doulatyari, B., Betterle, A., Basso, B., Biswal, B., Schirmer, M., and G. Botter (2015), River Flow Regimes From Landscape and Climate, Advances in Water Resources, doi: 10.1016/j.advwatres.2015.06.013


Manuscripts in Review/Preparation

Biswal, B., An analysis of discharge-area relationships, manuscript in preparation


Biswal, B., Channel networks in hydrologic response modeling I: theoretical framework, manuscript in preparation


Biswal, B., Channel networks in hydrologic response modeling II: practical applications, manuscript in preparation


Selected Recent Presentations

Biswal B., The geomorphological origin of recession curves, National Geophysical Research Institute, Hyderabad, August 2013 


Patnaik, S., Biswal, B., and D. Nagesh Kumar, Understanding subsurface flow mechanisms by studying recession flow curves, AGU Fall Meeting, San Fransisco, US, December 2013


Biswal, B., and D. Nagesh Kumar, How much water does a basin hold?, AGU Fall Meeting, San Fransisco, US, December 2013


Biswal, B., and D. Nagesh Kumar, How much water does a basin hold?, AGU Fall Meeting, San Fransisco, US, December 2013


Gianluca Botter, Stefano Basso, Gianluca Lazzaro, Behnam Doulatyari, Basudev Biswal, Mario Schirmer, and Andrea Rinaldo, Dynamic hydro-climatic networks in pristine and regulated rivers, AGU Fall Meeting, San Fransisco, US, December 2014 (invited)


Biswal, B., Marani, M., and D. Nagesh Kumar, Geomorphological recession flow model for estimation of drainable storage, G-Saftey Symposium, Tohoku University, Japan, January 2015


Biswal, B., Geomorphological recession flow model and estimation of drainable storage, Fukushima University, Japan, February 2015


Biswal, B., Geomorphological recession flow model and estimation of drainable storage, Nagaoaka University of Technology, Japan, February 2015





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